KEYMACRO is a macro utility for Microsoft® Windows® that enables you to perform useful keystroke operations in less time. It is specifically designed to provide you a quicker access to your computer and to improve productivity.
KEYMACRO is a quick and handy utility for those users who want to save time by performing multiple keystrokes with a single action. The KEYMACRO enables you to perform various operations on your computer in less time. For example, you can use KEYMACRO to control Windows®, open a file, print a document or send a text or an e-mail.
Keystroke operations can be performed using two different methods:
Press-and-hold the key.
Press and release the key.
The main advantage of the KEYMACRO is that it performs a keystroke operation on each key as soon as the user presses it. There is no need to hold the key for a long time.
Pre-defined actions
The KEYMACRO includes a number of pre-defined actions that are useful when you need to perform a specific task on your computer. These actions are:
Open a file or program.
Create a new document or web page.
Open a folder.
Print a document.
Send a text or e-mail.
Execute a task.
Create a shortcut.
Install application.
Save a file.
Exit a program.
In addition, you can use up to 32 custom actions and you can add more if needed.
Possible keyboard shortcuts
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in order to save time and to control Windows® more efficiently:
Windows® key + number: open a window.
Windows® key + period: open a folder.
Windows® key + up/down arrows: change the current folder.
Windows® key + F: open the control panel.
Windows® key + Space: open the Windows® Search window.
Windows® key + Space + F: open the desktop.
Windows® key + A: activate a window.
Windows® key + Space + A: maximize a window.
Windows® key + N: minimize a window.
Windows® key + X: close a window.
Windows® key + E: print a document.
Windows® key + I: open a document.
Windows® key + A: open an application.
Windows® key + S: save a document.
Windows® key + D: exit a77f14ba26 jasiard ... ck/profile ... ah/profile ... na/profile ... rt/profile ... ie/profile